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Aisyah, Katelia (2017) The Implementation of Edmodo To The Third Year Students In English Language Teaching In Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Al Auliya, Syahnas Nabila (2022) Stylistic Analysis In The Sufi Poems By Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Alifiansya, Mochamad Joelfany (2023) Pragmatics Analysis on the Types of Directive Speech Acts in Turning Red Movie. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Almania, Efa (2023) The Effectiveness Of Using Flipped Classroom In Teaching Writing Descriptive Text Of The Tenth Grade Students At SMKN 1 Grogol. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Alwi, Mughits (2022) Analysis On Teacher’s Efforts In Building Student’s Motivation In Blended Learning English In Seventh Grade Of MTs Al-Ikhlas Limbangan Brebes. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Anum, Ahmad Sa'di (2024) The Implementation Of English Zone Program In Enhancing Speaking Skills In Quran Village Of Hamalatul Quran Boarding School. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Anurudin, Dadang (2022) An Analysis on Effort of Ramanujan’s Education in “The Man Who Knew Infinity” Movie by Matthew Brown. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Ardhani, Devi Kusuma (2021) The Effectiveness Of 3-2-1 Reflection Technique In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Recount Text. Masters (S2) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Arroihana, Fairuz Zahro (2024) Analyzing Translation Methods And Technological And Scientific Terms In Hidden Figures Movie. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Aspari, Winda Tri (2017) The Effectiveness of “Mime Game”in teaching speaking skill to the students of Queen Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Astiti, Nila Yudi (2017) The Effectiveness of Portfolio Assessment on EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension Skill. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Astutik, Puji Ana (2022) The Correlation between Students' Frequency in Watching Western Movie and Their Listening Skill at MAN 3 KEDIRI. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Athalia, Nabila Nurala (2022) The Effectiveness Of Fix-Up Strategy In Learning Reading Comprehension. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Attamami, Aliyatus Sholikhah (2022) The Effectiveness Of Qar Strategy In Teaching Reading Comprehension Skill. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN KEDIRI.
Aulia, Khikmatul (2024) Correlation Among Metacognitive Awareness, Reading Strategy And Reading Comprehension Skill Of The 10th Graders Of SMAN 1 Plemahan Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Auliya, Rikha Niswatul (2022) The Correlation Between Students' Motivation To Learn English And Speaking Achievement At SMKN 1 Ngasem Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Azaria, Amanda Carissa (2023) Critical Discourse Analysis On Peaky Blinders Series From ‘Learn English With Tv Series’ Youtube Channel. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Budiati, Khalima (2022) Improving Students’ Reading Skills Through Snowball Throwing Strategy. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Burhanuddin, Muhammad (2023) Comparative study in language learning strategy used by English Department Students. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Chamelia, Puspita Putri (2021) Challenges And Strategies On The Teaching Of English Speaking In Sman 1 Kediri Using E-Learning During Covid- 19 Pandemic Era. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Chasanah, Jihan Ilmiatul (2022) Investigating The English Teaching At The Excellent Class At MTsN 2 Kota Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Choiriyah, Bunga (2021) Analysis on Figurative Language on “Salam” Album by Haris Jung. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Dela, Syarifah Evita Nor Fara (2022) Using draw label caption (dlc) strategy to improve students' writing ability in descriptive text. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Dianata, Mochammad Novan (2023) The Effectiveness Of Word Search Puzzle Towards Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At MTsN 3 Kota Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Fahdin, Risma Galuh Pitaloka (2022) The Correlation among Students’ Writing Motivation, Their Writing Anxiety, and Their Writing Achievement. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN KEDIRI.
Fakhri, Ahmad Faesal (2021) The Effectiveness Of Chick Learn English For Young Learners' Vocabulary Mastery. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Falah, Muhamad Naufal Waliudin (2022) An Analysis On Reading Comprehension Difficulties In Fourth Semester Students Of English Department At IAIN Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Farida, Elfin Noer (2022) An Analysis of Students’ Speaking Anxiety in Public Speaking Class of English Department at IAIN Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Fauzi, Yenis Qoriatul (2023) The Correlation Between The Intensity Of Watching English YouTube Videos And Students’ Listening Skill. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Fawa'id, M. Bahrul (2004) Artificial Intelligence As An Adaptive Learning For Students’ Communication Skills. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Febriani, Indah Dwi (2017) The Effectiveness of Know-Want-Learn (KWL) Strategy to Teach Reading Comprehension Skill. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Gunawan, Adji Lintang (2021) The Effectiveness of Grammar Translation Method through Three Basic English Tenses Mastery during COVID-19 Pandemic. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Hakiki, Ekidito Briliawan (2021) English Students’ Perception In The Use Of Web-Based Technology For Learning English Skills At Iain Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Hanum, Devi Ellyza (2022) Improving Students’ Writing Competence By Using Draw Label Caption (DLC) Strategy At Junior High School. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Helwinda, Maulina Elmi (2023) Using Vlog To Improve Speaking Skill For The First Year Students At Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 Kota Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Hidayah, Hima Nurul (2017) Using Guiding Questions to Improve the Students’ Writing Ability in Recount Text of the Tenth Grade Students in MA Raudlatut Thalabah Ngadiluwih Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Hidayat, Farkhan (2023) The Use of Reward and Punishment as Reinforcement to Increase Students’ Speaking Skill at SMP Al Huda Kota Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Hikam, Muhammad Ali Shohibul (2023) The Correlation Among Habit In Watching English Movie, Vocabulary Mastery, And Listening Comprehension Of Students At MAN 1 Kota Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Hilmi, Alfin Zalicha (2021) A Genre Analysis On The Discussion Section Of Quantitative And Qualitative Research Article In The Field Of English Language Teaching And Linguistics. Masters (S2) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Ihsan, M. Ato’iful (2017) Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Using Crossword Puzzles At The Eight Grade Students of SMP Islam Gedong Sari. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Karisma, Dwi Dea (2021) Teaching speaking using zoom meeting: a case study at Kampunginggrism.com. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Lestari, Arinda Dwi (2016) The Adjacency Pairs In Face Value Novel By Vera Cowie. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, STAIN Kediri.
Lestari, Mimbar Karunia (2023) The Effectivess Of Tiktok To Enhance EFL Students' Speaking Skills On Eleventh Grade. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Liya, Diyah Nurin Lae (2022) Discourse Analysis Of Grammatical Cohesive Devices In Undergraduate Thesis Backgrounds. Masters (S2) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
M Sholeh, Sholeh (2020) An Analysis Of Language Function Use In Cosmetic Advertisements. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Ma'sum, Ali (2021) The Correlation Between English Students' Reading Interest In Scientific Articles And Their Reading Ability. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Malee, Arinee (2021) The Effectiveness Of Using Pictures In Teaching Writing Descritive Text At The Eighth Grade Of Darawitthaya School. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Masrurroh, Kunny (2017) Students’ Attitudes toward the Interference of First Language in English Department Students STAIN Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Mattarima, Siti Maria Ulfa (2022) Developing Big Books To Improve Young Learners' Vocabulary Acquisition. Masters (S2) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Mubarok, Hosni (2020) Oral Feedback On Students’ Speaking Skill At The Daffodils English Course, Kampung Inggris, Pare, Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Mudrikah, Muyasaroh (2013) The Characteristics of Language Politeness as Used in Transactions at Setonobetek Market Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, STAIN Kediri.
Mulya, Ahmad Naili Syahru (2019) Language Learning Strategies Used By Intensive Course Students Of English Department At IAIN Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN KEDIRI.
Mumtaza, Irma Khairany (2022) Teachers' Perception Towards The Use Of Zoom In Teaching English Speaking Skills In Forum Kampung Bahasa (FKB) Pare. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Mustopa, M Zainal (2021) Illocutionary Act In Louis Letterier’s On Now You See Me Movie. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Nadhiroh, Nila Ainun (2022) EFL Students’ Perception on The Use Of Google Classroom In Language Assessment And Testing Development Course At IAIN Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Nadifa, Inas (2024) Developing Supplementary Reading Material for Tenth Grade in SMK NEGERI 1 KRAS. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Nastainin, Kun (2024) The Implementation Of English Morning Program And Its Impact On Speaking Ability Of Students’ Having Different Learning Style At Mtsn 1 Kota Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Nauvianti, Umdatussy (2024) Parental Support And Invlolvement To Children In Learning English As A Foreign Language. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Nizar, Indra (2023) Language management model at Tarbiyatul Muallimien Al-Islamie Al Amien modern islamic boarding school Prenduan Sumenep. Masters (S2) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Noviani, Imada Jovi (2017) An Evaluation of Senior High School English Textbook from Perspectives of Teachers and Students. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Nurfadillah, Anisa (2023) The Correlation Between Students' Self Efficacy And Speaking Ability At SMAN 4 Kota Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN KEDIRI.
Nurfahana, Intifada Azwa (2024) The Effectiveness Of Using Project-Based Learning Through Flash Card To Teach Vocabulary At Eighth Graders Of Mtsn 9 Nganjuk. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Permatasari, Adela Rike Hansana (2023) The Problems Faced By Tenth Grade Senior High School Students In Writing Descriptive Text. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Pertiwi, Auliana Rohma (2022) Implementation Of Quizizz As A Learning Outcome Assessment Tool. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Prasetyawan, Yulianto (2021) The Effectiveness Of English Grammar Application In Teaching Grammar For EFL Students. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Pujirianti, Dya Arimbi Wibawani (2024) An Analysis on Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Senior High School Students. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Puspita, Anggun Guna (2023) An Analysis of The Level of Students' Anxiety on Their Writing Skills. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Putri, Adita Chyindiana (2023) The Effectiveness Of Using Youtube To Improve Students' Pronounciation In The Teaching- Learning Process. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Putri, Gita Ayu Ardiawantana (2023) The Effect Of Using English Podcast (Spotify) On 11th Grade Students’ Listening Skill. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Qomariyah, Laelatul (2022) An Analysis On Problems In Essay Writing Of The Third Semester Students Of English Department Of IAIN Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Rahmah, Laili Yulia (2017) Students’ and Lecturers’ Perception Toward Written Corrective Feedback at STAIN Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Rijal, Achmad Saifur (2023) The Effect Of English Podcast In Teaching Listening For Students With Different Learning Styles. Masters (S2) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Rizka, Febiola (2023) Investigating Challenges in Reading Narrative Text Faced by Year Nine Student of MTs Nurul Islam Kota Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Rizza, Nur K. (2017) The Effectiveness Of STAD Model Index Card Match Strategy In Teaching Reading Comprehension At The Tenth Grade Of Sma Islam Al-Wahid Kepung. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Rohmah, Nuzulur (2022) The Effective of Using Task-Based Language Teaching on Students' Grammar Mastery Across Different Levels of Critical Thinking. Masters (S2) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Rohmatullah, Ahmad Rizqi (2017) Improving Irregular Verb Mastery Through Rap Song at The Eleventh Grade Students of SMAN 5 Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Romadhon, M. Romadhon (2021) The Analysis Of Speech Act In Joe Biden’s Speech “1 Year Anniversary Coronavirus”. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Rozaqy, Mohamad Nasrul Irvan (2022) An Analysis Of Figurative Language On Solipsism 0.2 Album By Pamungkas. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Sa'adah, Hana Binti (2022) Analysis On Figurative Language In Kitchen Nightmares Tv Shows. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Sa'idah, Nuril Habibah (2022) Path Analysis Of Students’ Learning Style And Critical Thinking Toward Their Achievement In Writing At Eleventh Grade Of Ma Darussalam Krempyang Tanjunganom Nganjuk. Masters (S2) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Salsabila, Amelia (2022) A Critical Discourse Analysis Of Kim Nam Jun's Speech At The Launch Program Of Generation Unlimited At The United Nations General Assembly 2018. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Sari, Dewi Auliya (2022) Illocutionary Acts Analysis On Instagram Caption In Verified Account. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Sari, Dewi Kartika (2022) The Online Teaching English Activities During Covid-19. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Sari, Laily Nur Rakhma (2023) The Effectiveness of 4/3/2 Technique to Teach Speaking. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Sari, Lilin Nur Indah (2017) The Effectiveness of Using Picture Series to Teach Writing in Narrative Text at the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 1 Plosoklaten. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Sari, Noer Kusuma (2021) An Analysis On Grammatical Errors Made By English Language And Education Students In Writing Thesis Abstract (A Case Study At State Islamic Institute Of Kediri). Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Sholikhah, Nurul Farikhatus (2017) Apology Strategies Used by Male and Female of MTI’s students (Media Teaching of Islam) at Gading Mangu Boarding School. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Styaningsih, Dwi (2023) The Effectiveness Of Quizizz As Web-Based Learning Media In Teaching Reading Comprehension For The Eighth Grade Of SMPN 4 Kota Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Sulistyani, Yulin (2024) Exploring The Potential Of The Movie Melukis Pantai As An Educational Resource For Implementing The Merdeka Curriculum. Masters (S2) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Sumaryono, Rachma Fajriati (2023) Students' Anxiety in Learning English as a Foreign Language. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Sunengko, Sunengko (2022) The Effect of Suggestopedia Method in Teaching Descriptive Writing for Students with Different Gender of the Tenth Graders at SMAN 1 Nganjuk. Masters (S2) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Suprihatin, Suprihatin (2021) A Correlation Study Between Motivation and Self-Confidence Towards Speaking Ability of the First Grade Students of SMAN 1 Ngadiluwih in Pandemic Era/Online Classroom. Masters (S2) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Tholibin, M. Sirojut (2017) Student’s Perceptions on Using WhatsApp to Support Learning Process at English Department of STAIN Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Tianto, Oca (2017) The Effectiveness of Using Video in Listening Comprehension Skill of Narrative Text at Eighth Grade students of SMP N 7 KEDIRI. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Ulya, Fara Dhilla Sakinatul (2021) Student’s Perception On The Impacts Of Studying English At Kampung Inggris Pare Toward Their Speaking Skills. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Ummah, Farichatul (2017) Improving Students' Listening Ability Using Dictogloss Technique at The Second Grade of SMPN 1 Semen Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Vania, Antonia (2022) Improving Students English Vocabulary Through "Hello English" Application For Junior High School. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
WULAN, ENGGAR ALIFAHUL SURYANING (2022) An Analysis On Translation Techniques Used In The Abstract Translation Of Education Journal “Premiere Educandum”. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Wahibullah, Moh. Gholib (2021) Students Perception On The Use Of Google Translate In Translating English-Indonesian Text At English Departement IAIN Kediri. Masters (S2) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Wardani, Febiana Eka (2022) An Analysis On Students' English Reading Skill In Recount Text Based On Barrett's Taxonomy. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Wasi'ani, Nur (2022) Using U-Dictionary To Improve Students' English Vocabulary Mastery In Descriptive Text At Mtsn 5 Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Wati, Pipit Indah (2022) A Case Study Of Young Learners' English Pronunciation. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Wijiana, Nana (2017) Using Porpe to Improve Reading Skill of the First Graders of MTs Al-Hidayah Ngancar Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Wulandari, Dyah Ayu (2023) Improving Speaking Skill Through Comic Strips at Eleventh Grade Students of SMAN 1 Purwoasri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Yana, Winda (2021) Students’ Perception On E-Learning Platform Used By English Language Education Department Of IAIN Kediri. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.
Yunitamara, Eviana Dewi (2022) An Analysis on Transposition Procedures Found in Indonesian Subtitle of Raya and The Last Dragon Movie. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN KEDIRI.