The Influence of Teaching Strategies on Students’ Characteristic Change in Alexander Sutherland Neill’s Novel Summerhill School

Mustika, Citraningtias Arum (2014) The Influence of Teaching Strategies on Students’ Characteristic Change in Alexander Sutherland Neill’s Novel Summerhill School. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.

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Teaching strategy is the teacher’s approach to using information, selecting resources, and defining the role of the students. The objective of this study is to know teaching strategies of Alexander Sutherland Neill in Summerhill School novel, the impacts of teaching strategies Alexander Sutherland Neill on students’ character in Summerhill School novel. In order to achieve the objective of the research and the answer of the research question, the researcher using descriptive qualitative research. The object of this study is one of Alexander Sutherland Neill books, Summerhill School. The instrument of this study is the reseacher herself. The reseacher analyze Summerhill School for more times to find out Alexander Sutherland Neill’s teaching strategy. Then the researcher read other supporting sources related to the topic as mention above. She takes psychology theory that realted to purpose of the study. The next step is classifying the teaching strategies and the students who get the teaching strategies. The result showed that Neill choose the teaching strategy by psychology analyze. Neill’s teaching strategies use inquiry approach that means the learning process on student centre. Although, Neill’s teaching strategies do not structure well like Inquiry approach. But, so far Neill’s teaching strategies is good. Because Summarhill has alumni who have successed. Neill has three teaching strategies that applied in Summerhill. First, self-government is controlled by Summerhill’s own students. The influences students’ characteristic change are responsible, fairness, and trustworthiness. Next, self-regulation is organized by the students self for all their activities. The influences students’ characteristic change are hard working, independent and discipline. Last, theatre and music are activities to express their creativity. The influences students’ characteristic change are creative and self-confidence. The result of implemented Neill’s teaching strategies appropiate with his goals. So, the teaching strategies is success.

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi) (Undergraduate (S1))
Subjects: 20 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE (Ilmu Bahasa, Komunikasi dan Budaya) > 2004 Linguistics (Ilmu Bahasa) > 200401 Applied Linguistics and Educational Linguistics
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah > Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Muh Hamim
Date Deposited: 26 Jul 2023 00:54
Last Modified: 26 Jul 2023 00:54

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