An Analysis On Discourse Markers In Novel "The Lightning Thief Percy Jackson And The Olympians: The Titan's Curse"

Mawaddah, Alief (2022) An Analysis On Discourse Markers In Novel "The Lightning Thief Percy Jackson And The Olympians: The Titan's Curse". Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Kediri.

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Discourse markers are linguistic elements that lead to the relationship between speech units. Discourse markers are expressions that show the relationship between the basic message and the previous discourse. The purpose of this study is to analyze the types of discourse markers that are found in the main character's utterances in the novel "The Lightning Thief Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Titan's Curse" and the meanings of the types of discourse markers found in the main character's utterances in the novel "The Lightning Thief Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Titan's Curse". The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This study only analyzes the discourse markers contained in the utterances of the main characters in the novel "The Lightning Thief Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Titan's Curse" using Bruce Fraser's theory. The data collection technique was carried out through several stages, namely reading the novel "The Lightning Thief Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Titan's Curse", taking the main character's utterances containing discourse markers in the novel "The Lightning Thief Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Titan's Curse ", identify and classify the types of discourse markers in the main character's utterances that contain discourse markers, and analyze and explain the meaning of discourse markers. There are four types of discourse markers found in the utterances of the main character in the novel "The Lightning Thief Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Titan's Curse" which include contrastive discourse markers, elaborative discourse markers, inferential discourse markers, and temporal discourse markers. The researcher found 41 utterances containing discourse markers in the novel "The Lightning Thief Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Titan's Curse". 19 utterances are classified as contrastive discourse markers because they indicate contrastive meaning, 9 utterances are classified as elaborative discourse markers because they indicate connecting meaning, 8 utterances are classified as inferential discourse markers because they indicate as conclusion to the previous segment, and also 5 utterances are classified as temporal markers because they indicate as adverb of time and conjunction.

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi) (Undergraduate (S1))
Subjects: 20 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE (Ilmu Bahasa, Komunikasi dan Budaya) > 2004 Linguistics (Ilmu Bahasa) > 200403 Discourse and Pragmatics
Depositing User: Alief Mawaddah
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2022 04:37
Last Modified: 06 Sep 2022 06:15

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